Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA)

45th meeting of the Executive Committee

30 March 2021

Draft Summary Record



  1. The Executive Committee held its 45th meeting on 30 March 2021. The meeting took place in a virtual setting with the following participants: Markus Kummer (Chair), Wisdom Donkor, Brian Cute, Jimson Olufuye; IGFSA Secretariat: Jennifer Chung.  Apologies received from Chris Mondini. A quorum was established for the meeting, with four of the eight Executive Committee members taking part in the call.


  1. The IGFSA EC honoured past Executive Committee member Makane Faye with a moment of silence. He was tragically killed in a car accident on 26 March. Makane was a pillar of the African Internet community and was held in high esteem in the global NRI network. The IGFSA EC agreed to honor Makane Faye’s EC seat for a period of 40 days before making any further decision or announcement.


  1. The summary records of the 43rd and 44th EC meeting were approved to be posted on the IGFSA website.


  1. The Secretariat shared news on ISOC foundation’s efforts to reach out to other NRI sponsoring organizations on possible coordination and noted that any further developments will be shared with the EC.


  1. Brian Cute gave a summary update on fundraising activities. He noted that initial conversations with Ethos Capital and Donuts show that supporting the IGF could be part of their CSR efforts and there will be a follow up call next month.  There was a brief discussion regarding on-going efforts with the Registries and Registrars (CPH), it was noted that DNS Abuse was still the top-of-mind topic for this group as well as other constituencies such as the Business Constituency (BC).  It was decided that outreach efforts should continue and should be tailored separately.Action: Brian Cute to continue coordinating with Chris Mondini regarding a possible outreach session at/around ICANN 71.
    Action: Jimson Olufuye to reach out to BC chair regarding IGFSA value proposition.


  1. There was a discussion on how to engage and reach out to the development community. Wisdom Donkor shared that there are organizations and institutions such as the IDRC (Canada), Worldbank, UNDP and African Development Bank to name a few, that have funding for development projects and initiatives.Action: Wisdom Donkor to reach out to development community regarding IGFSA fundraising efforts.


  1. The Secretariat confirmed that the memorial post for Makane Faye has been posted on the IGFSA website and suggested that the first edition of the EC members spotlight should feature Makane as a tribute. Jimson Olufuye took an action with Wisdom Donkor to coordinate with the African IG community regarding any further memorial events and the EC confirmed that IGFSA will fully support these efforts.


  1. AOB
    1. Secretariat to add dial in number for EC zoom room
    2. Next call: Tuesday 13 April 12:00 UTC.