Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA)

52nd meeting of the Executive Committee

13 July 2021


  1. The Executive Committee held its 52nd meeting on 13 July 2021. The meeting took place in a virtual setting with the following participants: Markus Kummer (Chair), Joyce Chen, Chris Mondini, Nigel Hickson; IGFSA Secretariat Jennifer Chung. A quorum was established for the meeting, with four of the eight Executive Committee members taking part in the call.


  1. The agenda for the meeting was adopted. The minutes of the 51st meeting were approved to be posted on the IGFSA website.


  1. The Secretariat gave an update on the pending requests. It was reported Ghana IGF has sent a revised budget and a request received from a youth initiative from Argentina is currently awaiting IGF Secretariat status confirmation.  It was noted that this youth initiative may be independent from the national IGF. In addition, NRIs that have also applied for the IGF grant will be notified that they will not be eligible to also receive IGFSA support as per previous practices as decided by the EC.


  1. There was a decision taken by the EC for approval of NRI funding requests given the confirmation from the IGF Secretariat and eligibility criteria is satisfied. The funding support will be at the standard amounts as following: national initiatives (1500 USD), national initiatives with a youth component (2000 USD) and regional initiatives (2500 USD), unless there is overwhelming justification for the adjustment of amounts.


  1. The Secretariat gave an update on the planning of the upcoming EC series videos and planning for the second edition of the IGFSA newsletter. There was feedback from various sources that some social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook had more engagement and clicks than LinkedIn, and the Secretariat will look further into rebroadcasting and reposting to improve viewership and audience engagement.


  1. The Chair reported that funding from NRO has been received in the IGFSA bank account. Chris Mondini gave an update on outreach efforts and mentioned that a slide deck that was developed will be used for outreach with the ICANN constituencies will be circulated and invited input and comments from the EC.


  1. AOB
    1. It was decided that IGFSA will take a summer break.
    2. Next call will be on 10 August 12:00 UTC.