Internet Governance Forum Support Association (IGFSA)

46th meeting of the Executive Committee

13 April 2021

Summary Record


  1. The Executive Committee held its 46th meeting on 13 April 2021. The meeting took place in a virtual setting with the following participants: Markus Kummer (Chair), Wisdom Donkor, Brian Cute, Jimson Olufuye, Nigel Nickson, Chris Mondini; IGFSA Secretariat: Jennifer Chung.  Apologies received from Joyce Chen. A quorum was established for the meeting, with six of the eight Executive Committee members taking part in the call.


  1. The IGFSA EC expressed condolences to Joyce Chen’s family for their loss.


  1. The summary records of the 45th EC meeting were approved to be posted on the IGFSA website.


  1. There was a thorough discussion of the proposed LinkedIn and social media campaign as prepared by Joyce Chen. The EC approved the proposed list in general with some edits and suggestions. There were also suggestions that these can be in a short video format to draw in audience views.  The Secretariat confirmed that both text and video format can be done with different lead times needed for each.  As part of the tribute to past EC member Makane Faye, it was proposed that the first of the series will begin with a spotlight on Makane. The Chair proposed that the order should go with ascending time served on the EC.


  1. The list after discussion include the following framing questions:
    1. Tell us why you think the IGF/NRIs is/are important.
    2. What current hot topic or issue in IG interests you the most and why?
    3. How should the IGF continue to be relevant 5, 10 years from now?
    4. What role can you play to keep the IGF relevant?
    5. What are some areas of improvement that you hope to see in Internet governance or the IGF/NRIs?
    6. What are some areas of improvement how IG topics can be discussed?


  1. The Secretariat presented the template for the IGFSA newsletter and explained that it will fall under three broad sections: EC spotlight, NRI spotlight, News and notes. The EC generally approved the proposed format and were in favour of a clean, short and repeatable template. It was agreed that adding section to spotlight donors would be beneficial.  It was suggested that this can also be adapted to be used as a testimonial template for organisations that actively support the IG space such as Council of Europe, OECD etc. In addition, there was a suggestion to think about which NRIs to spotlight and coordinate it with a strategy for that particular region.


  1. There were several updates on fundraising progress. The Chair noted that he had a conversation with the NRO chair and the NRO board will hopefully approve support soon.  Brian Cute noted that he will be updating the value proposition document, and will also have a follow up call with the PIR DNS Abuse Institute.  Efforts will continue to be made with engaging the BC.  Wisdom Donkor noted that he will be reaching out to the Secretariat with more details on a possible collaboration with the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN).


  1. AOB
    1. It was mentioned that the IGFSA GA may be scheduled during IGF 2021 as is practice in previous years.
    2. Tuesday 27 April 12:00 UTC next call